805.963.6681 Monday - Friday 9 am - 4 pm California Lions Clubs

C.H. Robinson jumps into the CA Lions Care food collection Drive

C.H. Robinson’s Los Angeles Service Center has jumped into the CA Lions Care food collection drive in a big way. The Los Angeles Service center employees three lions; Ms. Sandra Ortiz (Rialto Host Lions Club), Ms. Mandy Nava (Cucamonga District Lions Club) and PCC David Radtke (Orange County Central Lions Club) and they have joined forces to rally all the team members to support this month long event.

The facility has collection boxes in three different locations targeting all that work there or do business at the center. One collection site is near the employee entrance and is supported by the team members. A second collection site is in the truck drivers lounge and is supported by the drivers who visit the site. The final collection site is in the administrative office and is supported by outside suppliers and vendors.

These Lions and all the team members at C.H. Robinson have committed to collection 1,500 pounds of nonperishable items for this campaign.


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