805.963.6681 Monday - Friday 9 am - 4 pm California Lions Clubs

Our Partners

Corporate and Organizational Partners

Our Current Partners

California Lions could not serve our communities without the generosity of our non-profit and corporate partners. California Lions continues to search for resources to promote and complete our services. Join our mission to serve the communities of California, become our partner.

City of Hope

Lions Clubs International and City of Hope share a core principle: humanitarian service and concern, and both organizations have made tremendous contributions for the good of mankind. LCI’s support for City of Hope continues to be, an invaluable resource in furthering City of Hope’s mission of advancing science while providing compassionate care.


Lions In Sight

Lions In Sight of California and Nevada (LIS) is an endorsed project of Lions Clubs International’s Multiple District 4 and has been designated by Lions Clubs International as the Lions Clubs International Recycling Center for the Western United States.


Lions Eye Foundation

The Lions Eye foundation of California-Nevada, Inc. (LEF) is a 501(c)(3) corporation that has been in existence over 55 years. For the past half century LEF has come to the aid of needy residents of Northern California and the entire state of Nevada requiring eye surgeries.


Lions Clubs International Foundation

Since our founding in 1968 we have strived to sustain Lions’ humanitarian service goals throughout the world, awarding over 13,000 grants totaling more than US$1 billion, in the four key areas of sight, youth, disaster relief and other humanitarian efforts.


California Lions Foundation

California Lions Foundation sole purpose to provide matching financial grants to California Lions Clubs. CLF matching grants are provided to enable California Lions clubs to provide even greater service to their local communities.


Lions Float, Inc.

Since 1994 Lions Float, Inc., a non-profit corporation, has taken charge of directing preparations and funding of the annual float. This year-round activity involves float design, fundraising and organizing and directing volunteers who work on the float decorations.


Lions Fourth District Student Speakers Foundation

The Student Speakers Foundation is a California nonprofit corporation administered by a board of directors and 15 trustees. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide scholarships to augment the prizes awarded to the winners of the California Multiple District Four Student Speakers Program.


Student Speakers Contest

This year the Foundation will provide scholarships totaling $103,500.00. From this amount, each of the fifteen District winners will receive a $4,500.00 scholarship, each of the four Area winners will receive an additional $6,500.00 scholarship and the winner of the Multiple District Four Contest will receive an additional $10,000.00 scholarship. 


Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation

The Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation of Southern California funds services to restore the
gifts of sight and hearing for those who can’t afford the help they need. LSH Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, incorporated in 1963 in accordance with the laws of the state of California, Internal Revenue Code #95-2916098.


California Lions Friends In Sight

Affiliated with Lions Clubs International, California Lions Friends in Sight is a stand-alone 501c3 charitable organization headquartered in Beaumont, California. With financial support and the donation of eye examination equipment and supplies from generous donors, volunteers carry out the mission by providing free vision screenings and free recycled eyeglasses to thousands of disadvantaged individuals throughout Southern California and Northern Mexico.


Lions KidSight USA

Lions KidSight USA Foundation is a nationwide program to safeguard the vision of children, concentrating on kids aged 6 months through 6 years, but screening through grade 12 where possible. Our mission is to ensure eye screening and follow-up care is given to all kids because every child deserves to learn and see the world clearly.

Watch the KidSight video on YouTube »


Society for the Blind

Society for the Blind is a full-service nonprofit agency providing services and programs for people who are blind or have low vision. Serving 27 counties in Northern California, Society for the Blind is located in Midtown Sacramento and has been serving our community for more than 60 years.



Lions Diabetes

 Lions Clubs International’s mission for diabetes is to reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve the quality of life for those diagnosed. We educate ourselves and our communities about diabetes and develop community environments that inspire and support healthy lifestyles. 



Fisher House Foundation

Fisher House Foundation builds comfort homes where military & veterans families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital.
