805.963.6681 Monday - Friday 9 am - 4 pm California Lions Clubs

California Cubs Leos

Learn About California Leos Clubs and Events

California Cub Contact:
Lion Maggie Stickler: maggieellan@gmail.com

What is the CA Cubs Leos Mission

How the Club Supports and Enhances Our Communities

This special program is designed for kids ages 12 and younger to teach them the joy of volunteering and help them develop a lifelong dedication to helping those in need. Cubs don’t need to be related to a Lions member to participate — they just need to be ready to help and have fun.

“We Serve” – The Lions International Motto – Can Begin at Any Age

With the Cubs program, the journey can start as early as age one. Being a Cub provides children with their first opportunity to engage in community involvement and discover more about themselves.

Joining as a Cub is the first step toward becoming a Mighty Lion. Cubs participate alongside their parents, who are Lions, and begin learning compassion and empathy at an early age. They also have the chance to collaborate with Leos, Omegas, and Lions, gaining hands-on experience and an early understanding of what their future could hold. Through these experiences, they learn the joy and fulfillment of giving back to their community.

Cubs can even contribute their own creative ideas for service projects, offering a fresh perspective through a child’s eyes. These opportunities foster self-confidence, communication skills, and teamwork as they work alongside others. Cubs begin to see their voices matter and learn that, with support, their visions can become a reality.

Learn More About the Lions Cubs:

Lions Cubs Testimonial

  • I have enjoyed being a Cub since we did our first service project and that was the tie blankets to give to the HOPE foundation, but my favorite one is the Joy Bags. I was lucky enough to unbox them and help create a service project with my sister. It was amazing watching the Lions participate in an idea that my sister and I created together. When they acknowledge how much they liked the project and are proud of us for creating it. I enjoy being able to spend time with my mom and dad while we volunteer our time to others, knowing that we are helping our community. I have learned that it can be fun and I can be a leader and then become a Lion in the future and I am a future generation.

    Glenn (GR) Stickler
    Age 10
  • I’ve had the opportunity to visit different clubs with my mom and dad, meeting new people from across California and building relationships with those I can trust. I love being able to spend time with my Lions family through service projects, fun activities, and eating pizza! One of my favorite projects so far has been creating “Joy in a Bag” with my brother. With our idea I was able to share something I love while making a difference in someone life. I’m hoping that I am able to make another child smile while they are going through a possible Difficult time.

    Kinsey Stickler
    Age 9

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