805.963.6681 Monday - Friday 9 am - 4 pm California Lions Clubs

How We Serve

Learn How the Lions Clubs Serve California

Programs and Services

The Lions Clubs International motto is We Serve, which to Lions means selfless service to others in need in our local communities. The word We is inclusive, which includes transparency relative to gender, religion, ethnicity, politics or nationality. Areas of Service include vision, hearing, and speech impaired, hunger, diabetes awareness, youth, and childhood cancer.

Lions Clubs in California are active in virtually every local community up and down the state. We seek new members who have a passion for service.
All funds raised by Lions from the general public are used for charitable outreach purposes. We partner with like-minded service agencies, foundations, and corporations.

Agencies Include

Wayfinder Family Service
Lions Camp at Teresita Pines
KidSight USA
City of Hope
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Guide Dogs of the Desert
Canine Companions for Independence
White Cane Day, Inc.

Partnering Foundations include

California Lions Foundation
Lions Clubs International Foundation
Lions Eye Foundation of California & Nevada
Student Speakers Foundation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Diabetes Awareness is a key component of California Lions service activities. Diabetes 2 is preventable but affects nearly one in four Californians. Lions are striving to educate as well as to fund research to eliminate this life-threatening disease.

Join the Fight Against Diabetes
currently diabetes affects 425 million people of all races, income levels and ages. As Lions, we're dedicated to fighting the diabetes epidemic to improve lives, strengthen families, and revitalize communities.
The Lions are there when you need them

Disaster Relief

Working together, LCIF, local Lions, and Lions leaders assess the urgent needs and quickly deliver the aid most needed by victims. This grassroots model has proven effective in tragedies around the world, such as Hurricane Maria, the 2016 earthquake in Italy, and the 2017 flooding in Japan. Lions know that disaster can affect anyone’s community, whether it’s halfway around the world or right at home. That’s why in the last nearly 50 years, LCIF has provided more than US$118 million for disaster relief programs worldwide.

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Preserving and restoring the gift of sight

Lions Eye Foundation

Preserving and restoring the gift of sight by providing free ophthalmic examinations, operations, and medication to the less fortunate members of our community. The Lions Eye Foundation of California-Nevada, Inc. (LEF) is a 501(c)(3) corporation that has been in existence over 55 years. For the past half-century, LEF has come to the aid of needy residents of Northern California and the entire state of Nevada requiring eye surgeries. Sponsored by local community-based lions clubs, LEF has grown the initial 19 member clubs to over 300 member clubs representing approximately 10,000 individual members.

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Partner With the California Lions Clubs

Make a difference in your California community by partnering with us.